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Child Maintenance Support Changes

Child Maintenance Support Changes

Child maintenance support changes will come into effect in 2012 which will dramatically alter the way child support is collected. The objective is to give both parents a financial incentive to make voluntary arrangements.

The options are:-

1 A Family Based Arrangement - parents agree the amount and frequency of payments. This can mean alternatives to monetary payments e.g. child care vouchers.

2 A Minute of Agreement in Scotland or a Consent Order in England and Wales. Both reflect that parents have come to a

Landlord Electrical Safety Checks

Landlord Electrical Safety Checks

Landlord Electrical Safety Checks - do you know your legal duties regarding electrical requirements? In the private sector it can be bewildering when it comes to knowing what your legal obligations are when carrying out electrical safety checks on electrical installations and appliances within rented properties.

There are two main legal obligations that a landlord should be aware of.

  • Firstly, the Housing (Scotland) Act 2006 sets out the 'repairing standard' which a landlord must ensure their property meets at the start of, and at all

Occupancy Rights and the Matrimonial Home - Legal Advice

Occupancy Rights and the Matrimonial Home - Legal Advice

Occupancy Rights and the Matrimonial Home - legal advice following separation.

Many people are concerned about their occupancy rights, i.e. their right to remain in the matrimonial home.

  • What legal rights do married people have to remain in their family home?
  • Do they have to move out if asked to do so by their spouse?
  • What if the property is owned in their spouse's sole name?

Do I have to move out of the property?

Where couples are married, a spouse is under no obligation

What are the Risks When Recruiting via Social Media?

What are the Risks When Recruiting via Social Media?

Just what are the risks when recruiting via social media? ACAS now estimate that up to 25% of employers use social media as part of their recruitment process to vet job applicants. By taking a closer look at social media as a recruitment tool in general, are you aware of the legal implications for employers?

The massive growth in popularity of social media can't be overstated. It's perhaps not surprising that employers are tempted to view the online profiles of job applicants. There are, however,

Will Plans to Introduce No-fault Dismissals Work?

Will Plans to Introduce No-fault Dismissals Work?

In March 2012, the Government announced it was seeking views on whether a system of no fault dismissals for businesses with fewer than 10 employees could work. The Government also announced the publication of a "call for evidence" on whether current dismissal procedures are too complicated and burdensome for employers, and whether the process is in need of a radical makeover.

George Osborne hinted at the introduction of such a system when he addressed the manufacturers' association EEF in March 2012. This could potentially mean,

Landlord Legal Advice: Beware the Internet!

Landlord Legal Advice: Beware the Internet!

If you are a Scottish landlord then you should beware of landlord legal advice on the internet. The internet can be a confusing place for landlords - with many unaware of the differences between the Scottish and English legal system. So should you believe internet landlord legal advice?

Scottish landlords can be easily misled by websites targeting English landlords referring to English procedures, which can leave the landlord vulnerable, particularly in the area of eviction. Some of the key differences are set out below.


What is Self-Directed Support in Scotland?

What is Self-Directed Support in Scotland?

The Scottish Government recently published its Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Bill, which aims to make self-directed support in Scotland a mainstream choice for those receiving care in Scotland. The Government has pledged almost £40 million over the next three years to support the rollout of self-directed support throughout Scotland.

What is self-directed support?

Self-directed support is designed to give those who receive care (supported persons) more power to direct their own care and support, to make more informed decisions about their care and to control

Right to Buy - Do you know what the "Cost Floor" Is?

Right to Buy - Do you know what the "Cost Floor" Is?

When selling a Right to Buy property, you need to check if the cost floor is relevant. Do you know what the cost floor is?

The cost floor is the accumulative total spent for a property during the last ten financial years (from date the application to buy was received).

This spend includes:

  • renovation costs (e.g. bathrooms, kitchens)
  • improvements (e.g. cladding works)
  • even the cost to build the property or acquire it from another owner

It should also be remembered when calculating the relevant cost

Power of Attorney Scotland: What's Best?

Power of Attorney Scotland: What's Best?

If you're living in Scotland and you don't currently have a power of attorney, are you sure that's for the best?

In the absence of a Continuing and Welfare Power of Attorney there is a risk that decisions about your well being and your assets could be taken by people who believe they know what is best for you, but in reality don't!

The Adults With Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 requires any named Attorney to act in accordance with the 5 principles of the Act:

What is a Tenant Information Pack?

What is a Tenant Information Pack?

Are you aware that the Private Rented Housing (Scotland) Act 2011 is proposing that all landlords will have to provide a tenant information pack in future?

The aim of this Act is to support responsible landlords and address more effectively the problems caused by landlords who act unlawfully, by strengthening the regulation of the private rented sector. One of the proposals within this Act was the introduction of a 'Tenant Information Pack' for all private sector tenants.

The Government have now indicated that they wish

Separation Agreement in Scotland: For Richer, For Poorer

Separation Agreement in Scotland: For Richer, For Poorer

A separation agreement in Scotland is often a useful document as during separation most couples want to initiate some discussion in relation to the division of the marital assets, or have put in writing what has already been agreed between them. Either way, your solicitor is likely to recommend entering into a Separation Agreement. So, what is a Separation Agreement in Scotland and what needs to be agreed before one is entered into?

What is a Separation Agreement?

Sometimes referred to as a 'Minute of

How Do I Get Married in Scotland?

How Do I Get Married in Scotland?

We have published a number of blog articles dealing with the legal consequences of a separation, divorce and child contact matters but you may want to know 'how do I get married in Scotland'

In Scotland, prior to the marriage ceremony, both parties must submit a Marriage Notice form to the registrar of the district where the marriage is to take place. Once the Registrar is satisfied that there are no legal impediments to the marriage (i.e. if someone has been married previously, that a

Permission to Work in the UK?

Permission to Work in the UK?

When recruiting new members of staff it is important for employers to understand which individuals have permission to work in the UK.

Who automatically has the right to work in the UK?

- British citizens (this does NOT include British Dependent Territories citizens and British Overseas citizens)

- Those who have the right of abode in the UK

- Those who have indefinite leave to remain in the UK

- European Economic Area (EEA) nationals & Swiss nationals and their spouses/civil partners

- Commonwealth nationals

Is it Time to Reorganise Your Charity's Constitution?

Is it Time to Reorganise Your Charity's Constitution?

Have you considered if it is time to reorganise your charity's constitution? Does your charity's constitution enable the charity trustees to:

- make changes to keep it relevant or,

- whether it is so outdated that the charity can no longer be true to its original spirit.

Charities with an outdated constitution may find that they are unable to make proper use of their charitable funds.

Registered charities must seek the prior consent of OSCR before making the following fundamental changes:-

  1. Changing the charity's name

How Does Workplace Mediation Work?

How Does Workplace Mediation Work?

Readers of our blog will recall that the government is currently undertaking a reform of the Employment Tribunal system which will involve looking at workplace mediation as a way to help resolve employee disputes. As part of this process it has been announced that a pilot scheme for two regional mediation networks will be set up in Cambridge and Manchester for small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The pilots will run for 12 months and, if successful, the Government will consider introducing them into other areas

What Happens if You Die Without a Will in Scotland?

What Happens if You Die Without a Will in Scotland?

On 1st February 2012 changes to the succession thresholds came into force. The legal changes increase the maximum property and cash values which can be transferred to a surviving spouse or civil partner where a person dies without a Will in Scotland. They also increase the threshold for small estates (where a Sheriff Clerk can assist with the administration of an estate) from £30,000 to £36,000.

What are the new rules?

Where a person dies without a Will in Scotland, their surviving spouse or

Divorce and Separation - What About the Child Benefit?

Divorce and Separation - What About the Child Benefit?

When parents are going through divorce and separation - what happens to the child benefit? A child can often divide his or her time between two households over the course of a week. This can be an ideal arrangement, allowing the child to maintain a close relationship with both mum and dad. There can however be unforeseen financial implications if either or both parent receives benefits.

Shared care does not mean shared benefits. This can cause significant practical difficulties where one or both parents rely

How Can I Get on the Property Ladder in Scotland?

How Can I Get on the Property Ladder in Scotland?

In these times of economic strife where house prices are rising faster than your income, it may seem difficult to imagine being able to afford your own home. We are asked many times - how can I get on the property ladder in Scotland?

There are a number of schemes available to assist with buying a property:-

Shared Equity

  • Allows you to purchase a property while only paying a percentage of the valuation (usually a minimum of 60%).
  • The remaining percentage is loaned to you

Divorce Advice for Women: Is it Different?

Divorce Advice for Women: Is it Different?

Is there a difference in offering divorce advice for women? There are a number of publications offering advice for men going through divorce, and just as many tailored specifically for women.? But in Scotland does the client?s gender really affect the advice tendered by a lawyer?

Divorce can be difficult and emotional and without good legal advice, mistakes can be made that are not easily rectified.? Typically solicitors provide divorce advice for men and women, following a marital breakdown on two main issues;



Helping Scottish Charitable Companies Become a SCIO

Helping Scottish Charitable Companies Become a SCIO

From 1st January 2012, charities that are companies or industrial and provident societies (IPS) can apply to the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) to convert to a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO). Previously it was only unincorporated associations or trusts who could take advantage of this change. We help Scottish Charitable Companies become SCIOs.

However, the conversion of a company or IPS to a SCIO may only take place if:

  • In the case of companies, the company has more than one member