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What are Energy Performance Certificates?

What are Energy Performance Certificates?

Owners of Scottish properties should be aware that there are new requirements for Energy Performance Certificates which will be introduced in October 2012 and January 2013. Please find below a summary of the relevant changes:

From 1st October 2012

- In addition to showing an Energy Performance Certificate to a prospective purchaser or tenant, a copy of the Energy Performance Certificate must also be given to the purchaser or incoming tenant of a property.

- All Energy Performance Certificates must contain a note of cost effective and technically feasible recommendations for improving a property's energy efficiency. This information will be accompanied by a Report providing details of any recommendations.

- Currently, there is no charge for registration of Energy Performance Certificates but from 1st October a registration fee of £5.36 for a commercial property and £1.15 for a residential property will be made.

From 1st January 2013

- A seller, or prospective landlord, will need to include the EPC rating for their property in any advertisement including newspaper, property schedules and internet advertising.

- The definition of what type of public buildings requiring an Energy Performance Certificate to be exhibited changes from 1st January 2013. The definition from this date will include public buildings which are frequently visited by the public and which have a floor area exceeding 500m2. This will increase the number of buildings that require a Certificate as the current criteria includes a floor area of 1000m2.

- The rules will change again in July 2015 to include even more public buildings with the floor area diminishing to 250m2.

Anyone who has obtained a valid Energy Performance Certificate before the changes on 1st October 2012 become effective, will not require to amend or renew their Energy Performance Certificate. The original will remain valid for ten years, even though it does not comply with the new requirements. Any and all Energy Performance Certificates dated 1st October 2012 onward must comply with the new regulations to ensure they are in line with the relevant EU Directives.

For more information on the new requirements please get in touch with our team.

1 Tenancy Deposit Scheme


TC Young