Chloe Bannigan is a Civil Litigation Solicitor within our Court Department, assisting Registered Social Landlords in a variety of tenancy law issues.
Chloe completed her Diploma in Professional Legal Practice at the University of Glasgow in 2020 before commencing her traineeship with TC Young in November 2020. Throughout her traineeship and since qualifying in November 2022, Chloe has worked on housing litigation issues providing legal advice to Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) prior to and following the commencement of legal action.
She also regularly appears in Sheriff Courts throughout Scotland representing RSLs in court actions relating to all eviction grounds, together with Case Management Discussions and Time to Pay Hearings in relation to Simple Procedure Actions for recovery of rent arrears, rechargeable repairs and factoring debts.
In addition to advising RSLs on various aspects of housing litigation issues, including the enforcement of a Decree, Chloe is also experienced in preparing Notice of Proceedings (NOPs) and Notices to Quit on behalf of her clients.