Housing Regulations for Veterans

The Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Act 2016 (Modification of Schedule 1) Regulations 2019

On 1st July 2019 the above regulations will come into force. These regulations modify the provisions of the 2016 Act whereby residential tenancies granted by charities to provide housing for veterans or temporary accommodation to care leavers cannot be classed as Private Residential Tenancies. This means that such tenancies will sit outside of the statutory regime.

The new regulations do not have retrospective effect. This means that tenancies granted by these organisations from 1st July 2019 will not be Private Residential Tenancies whereas tenancies granted before that date will be Private Residential Tenancies.

Such organisations should ensure they have in place relevant tenancy agreements for use going forward. Please contact our team should you wish to seek further advice.

housing for veterans

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