Notice Period Update for Registered Social Landlords
The Coronavirus (Scotland) Act 2020 (Eviction from Dwelling-houses) (Notice Periods) Modification Regulations 2020 are expected to come into force 3 October 2020. We previously blogged about the extension of notice periods introduced by the Coronavirus (Scotland) Act 2020. The link can be found here. The purpose of these new Regulations is to reduce the extended notice periods […]
Eviction Ban in Scotland – Myth Buster
A number of RSL clients have been in touch with us recently to enquire whether there is a current ban on evictions in Scotland. The extensive publicity suggesting that such a ban exists is misleading. There is no law in Scotland which prevents evictions taking place. The most recent publicity has stemmed from the Scottish […]
Scottish Housing Market – Changes for RSLs
As the Scottish Housing Market is set to re-open, guidance has been issued by the Scottish Government to ensure that this process is as safe as possible. Whilst the requirement to maintain social distancing, regular hand washing, and the recommendation to wear a mask are still in effect, the following practical advice for the Social […]
Will Covid-19 Affect Your FOISA Deadlines?
Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) may already be concerned about their ability to respond to requests within the statutory 20 working day timescale due to the possible implications of Covid-19. Will Covid-19 affect your FOISA deadlines? In light of the continued spread of the virus, the Scottish Information Commissioner (SIC) has published a statement addressing the obligation […]
Streamlined Ground 2 Evictions — An Update!
On 1st May 2019, the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 was amended to provide Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) with a mandatory ground of eviction where a tenant is criminally convicted. However, almost one year later, there remains a cloud of judicial uncertainty surrounding these cases. Section 16(2)(aa) of the 2001 Act establishes what is effectively a two-part test […]
Climate Change Act — How Does This Affect RSLs?
Freedom of Information (FOI) applied to RSLs as of 11th November 2019 — but did you know that the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 now also applies? As you will be aware, RSLs are now defined as a Scottish public authority under the new FOI provisions. As the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 applies to a […]
Notice of Potential Liability for Costs: Recovery of Factoring and Common Maintenance Debts
How can you recover factoring & common maintenance debts from owner-occupiers? A Notice of Potential Liability for Costs (NPLCs) can assist Registered Social Landlords and factors to recover money due by owner-occupiers for factoring and common maintenance debts. Notice of Potential Liability for Costs Introduced in 2004, the Notice can be used in relation to flats or […]
Repayment Charges for Registered Social Landlords
When proprietors within a tenement instruct a repair by dint of a Scheme Decision made in terms of the Tenement Management Scheme (Schedule 1 to the Tenement (Scotland) Act 2004) any owner in such a tenement can, if they wish, arrange for the repair and then look to the other owners for a contribution to […]
Short Scottish Secure Tenancy for Support Needs
Grounds for Offering an SSST There are presently 9 grounds on which a Registered Social Landlord may offer a prospective new tenant an SSST (a short Scottish secure tenancy). One of those grounds is that the property is to be let on a temporary basis to a person who is in receipt of a housing […]
Housing Regulations for Veterans
The Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Act 2016 (Modification of Schedule 1) Regulations 2019 On 1st July 2019 the above regulations will come into force. These regulations modify the provisions of the 2016 Act whereby residential tenancies granted by charities to provide housing for veterans or temporary accommodation to care leavers cannot be classed as Private […]