What Should RSLs Do When a Scottish Secure Tenant Passes Away

The only things in life which are certain are death and taxes. They both also cause a great deal of uncertainty in life. We are often asked, what happens to a Scottish secure tenancy when a tenant dies? What happens to the tenancy? If there is a joint tenant the tenancy will continue as a […]

Exemption for Certain Heritable Securities from the ’20-Year Rule’

The 20-Year Rule provides that a heritable security (e.g. a standard security) over a private home may be redeemed on repayment of all money advanced under the security together with interest and expenses after 20 years. This can create issues in shared equity arrangements. In 2014 Scottish Government held a consultation on exempting certain shared […]

Public Procurement: What Happens if a Supplier Gets into Financial Difficulty?

Carillion, a key supplier to the UK Government, has gone into liquidation. The impact has been felt throughout the public sector where there is uncertainty over what will happen to the works and services carried out by Carillion under public contracts. Many impacted public bodies will be wondering what they can do in terms of public […]

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for HR

Many organisations are currently preparing themselves for the General Data Protection Regulation. For many their initial focus for the forthcoming changes (May 2018) may be on their ‘day to day business’, but it is also important that their ‘day to day business’ includes their HR procedures. Consideration needs to be given to ensure their current procedures […]