What is a Home Report?

Home Reports provide buyers, solicitors and mortgage lenders with a clear market valuation of residential property on the open market for sale and give detailed information on the condition of the property. The onus is now with the seller of a property in Scotland, who wishes to sell their residential property on the open market, […]

Tenement Repairs – a common problem

Are you the owner of a property in a tenement? If you are, can you answer the following: If you are unable to answer these questions, and repairs are required in your tenement, the starting point is to check the title deeds which relate to your property. Your titles should detail, for example, which parts of your […]

Failsafe Beneficiary – Future Proofing Your Will

We’re all going on a summer holiday! It’s that time of year again. Sun, sea and sand… it’s holiday time. Multi-generational travel has increased markedly over the past few years. No longer is it simply mum, dad and the children jetting off abroad, it is now mum, dad, the grandparents, the grandchildren etc. Whilst family […]

To Cremate or Compost? – Your Will and Funeral Instructions

Deciding upon what you wish to happen to your body when you die is never an easy thought. What would your family want? Should you be buried? But along with that can often come additional expenditure on top of funeral costs, including purchasing a lair etc. Or should you be cremated and have your ashes […]

The Importance of Reviewing Your Will

If you have a Will in place, it is important to review this on a regular basis to ensure it is up to date with your personal and financial circumstances. People often think of reviewing matters such as the amount of money to be left to nieces or nephews or who should, in fact, inherit […]

Brain Injury Awareness Week

Brain Injury Awareness Week 2019 is here – #ActionForBrainInjuryWeek #ABIWeek, culminating with #HatsForHeadway on Friday 24th May. As is often the case, family members can face numerous difficulties as the result of a loved one succumbing to a brain injury – if they no longer have capacity to make decisions for themselves and if the family […]

What are the Duties of a Financial Guardian?

Once appointed by the Court to act as Financial Guardian there are certain administrative responsibilities which you will have to fulfill, these are detailed below. By taking on this role you are accepting this responsibility and it is therefore important that you consider if you have the time and ability to carry out the duties […]

Dying Matters Awareness Week

No-one likes to contemplate their own death or think of the death of a loved one. It is however an important topic of conversation to have with your family and friends and is encouraged as part of the Dying Matters Awareness Week. Doing this at an early stage allows you to have an unpressured conversation at […]

Gifting Your Property to Avoid Care Costs?

Many families wish to ensure that their family are provided for in the future. They have worked hard to be able to own their property and do not want their estate to be exhausted by paying care costs. Beware, there are many things to consider before gifting your property to avoid care costs. When considering […]

Care Home Fees – Deferred Payment Schemes

Since 2002 deferred payment schemes have been available for care home residents however, many are unaware of their availability. Care home residents who have insufficient income and capital (excluding the value of their property) to meet care home fees may enter into an agreement with their local authority to defer payment of part of their contribution towards […]